4th of July Shot

A 4th of July shot is a layered shot of Grenadine, White Crème de Cacao, and Blue Curaçao which makes the shot red, white and blue. Unfortunately White Crème de Cacao is clear, but hey, you’re celebrating, let’s not ruin the fun with these minor quibbles.

Drink this shot fast before the colours bleed together into a purple mess.

4th of July Shot

Recipe by Maurice BeaverCuisine: Shooter
Prep time






  • 1/3 ounce of Grenadine

  • 1/3 ounce of White Crème de Cacao

  • 1/3 ounce of Blue Curaçao


  • Add Grenadine to the bottom of the shot glass
  • Slowly add White Crème de Cacao over the back of a spoon to the top of the Grenadine
  • Layer the Blue Curaçao on top of the shot by slowly pouring it over the back of a spoon


Can I use Vodka instead of White Crème de Cacao?

Absolutely! However, vodka will be your lightest ingredient, so your drink will be layered red, blue and white. As the layering is different, the drink is called a Patriot Shot, and not a 4th of July Shot.

Does a 4th of July Shot taste good?

The 4th of July Shot tastes like chocolate, pomegranate and sweet orange. It tastes better than most shots out there because it is quite sweet. As a bonus it does look cool!

Can I use Peach Schnapps instead of White Crème de Cacao?

If you want a fruitier shot, you can use Peach Schnapps instead of the chocolaty White Crème Du Cacao. It doesn’t make the shooter taste all that much better however. In fact it makes it taste more sweet and sugary.