
Lemon Drop Martini

A Lemon Drop Martini is made with Vodka, Cointreau, Lemon Juice and Simple Syrup. Shake all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice, and serve in a sugar rimmed martini glass garnished with a lemon peel. The lemon drop martini is a classic cocktail that looks as good as it tastes. Not only does

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Vodka Paralyzer Recipe

A Paralyzer cocktail is made with Vodka, Tequila Cola, Kahlua and Milk. It’s important to add the ingredients in this order, or else the milk might curdle. Pour all the ingredients into a glass full of ice and garnish with a maraschino cherry. A Canadian Paralyzer is a Colorado Bulldog with an ounce of Tequila

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Black Russian Recipe

To make a Black Russian cocktail, you’ll need two ingredients – Vodka and Kahlúa. To make a Black Russian, fill an old-fashioned glass with ice cubes and pour in 2 ounces of Vodka. Next, add one ounce of Kahlúa. Stir vigorously for a couple of seconds, but not violently to spill anything. The Black Russian

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White Russian Recipe

A white Russian is a popular classic cocktail made with 2 ounces vodka. 1 ounce of Kahlua. and 1 ounce of cream. The combination of the three creates a rich and creamy drink that’s perfect for sipping on during happy hour or after dinner. For myself, I love sipping on a White Russian on Friday

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